What is the Best Toothpaste?

  Patients often ask Dr. Marietta about which toothpaste to buy,  and as such, here are some guidelines.

A Good Toothpaste Should be:

  • NON IRRITATING – Many toothpastes contain chemicals that are very irritating to the mouth. One of the biggest culprits is SLS (sodium laurel sulfate). It’s what makes the tooth paste foam. It also can lead to mouth sores especially in the elderly, those with dry mouth, or those with major medical problems.
  • CONTAINS FLUORIDE – Fluoride is well proven to harden the enamel of your teeth and help resist decay. Neutral sodium fluoride is best. Some toothpastes contain acid forms of fluoride – avoid them!
  • GENTLE, NON ABRASIVE – Abrasive toothpaste will make your teeth feel cleaner in the short run but in the long run it will wear away enamel and the sensitive dentin on the root surfaces of your teeth.
  • NON ACIDIC – It needs to be buffered to help produce a neutral non acidic mouth. Some toothpastes are acidic. Acid leaches calcium out of your teeth. Many toothpastes that contain whiteners and anti tartar or anti calculus agents are acidic. Avoid them.
  • CONTAIN XYLITOL – Xylitol is a natural sugar that helps reduce decay.

Bottom line recommendations:

  • Simple toothpastes are best. No whiteners, no anti-tartar, no anti-calculus. Fewer ingredients are better.
  • SQUIGGLE – 36% Xylitol – by far the highest amount of xylitol of any toothpaste. It has a neutral pH and 1,000 ppm fluoride. And NO SLS! It is not abrasive.
    • Where to buy – at our office or online.
  • BIOTINE – No SLS, neutral pH, has some xylitol it is not abrasive.
    • Where to buy – almost any store with a pharmacy will have it (Dillons, Walgreens, CVS, Walmart, etc.)
  • CLINPRO 5000 (prescription required) – contains 5,000 ppm fluoride (5 times the amount found in OTC toothpaste) and tricalcium phosphate. It has all the building blocks to make your enamel strong and resistant to decay. It also helps reduce sensitivity to cold better than any other toothpaste.
        • Where to buy – From our office or we can write a prescription.

Hopefully you found the above information helpful — and if you have questions, please get in touch with us!